All of the statements listed below are false.

  • Snakes always travel in pairs.

    This is false. Exceptions to the rule: during breeding season (usually March-June) you may see males and females together.

  • Coral snakes have rear fangs.

    Coral snakes actually have front, fixed and grooved fangs which provide a primitive delivery of venom (compared to the pit viper).

  • Coral snakes can only bite small, thin areas.

    A coral snake can bite anything its mouth can grip. Its mouth opens larger than it appears.

  • Coral snakes have to chew to inject their venom.

    Coral snakes bite and hold on to inject their venom.

  • Cottonmouths cannot bite underwater.

    How do you think they catch water prey?

  • Snakes always chase you when they are scared.

    If a snake comes quickly in your direction, it is most likely because it is confused. Its goal is to get away from you.

  • Most venomous snakes can jump at least 2 feet.

    Remember - snakes don't have legs! They cannot jump.

  • Rattlesnakes can hear their rattle.

    It's difficult to hear when you don't have ears.

  • You can age a rattlesnake by how many rattles it has.
    Not true, rattlesnakes receive a new button (rattle) every time they shed/molt their skin.

  • A snake can't cross a rope.
    Snakes can cross ropes. They will cross anything they can get over.

  • Snakes spit.
    Not the ones in Texas. The clumps of foam-looking spit found on blackberry bushes and vines in Texas are often thought to be "snake spit," but the fact is, this foam is produced by Spittle Bugs.

  • Venomous snakes have triangular heads.

    So do a great number of the NON-venomous snakes. Most snakes have a triangular-looking head because they swallow their food whole. This is not a good way to determine between venomous and non-venomous.

  • It's definitely a rattlesnake... I heard it!

    Most snakes (both venomous and non-venomous) vibrate their tails when startled and when hitting leaves, brush or anything it is touching can resemble the sound of a rattlesnake.

    Snakes are looking for a mate and food, not you and your family. So have fun, go outside, and keep a close eye on your surroundings. Snakes do not chase people, jump, OR roll in hoops!


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